Participate in Our Clean Air Study

Colorado State University Researchers are exploring ways to keep air clean inside homes, especially when outdoor air quality is affected by smoke. We need your help.

We are developing devices that can keep outdoor air pollutants, like wildfire smoke, from getting into your home.

These devices would sense indoor air, outdoor air, and house operation. It would either decide by itself, or let you decide, when to add clean air to protect people inside the home. The experiment will also test the use of portable air cleaners inside homes.

We need 20 homes within a community that have episodes of poor air quality. Homes should have central heating systems and should not contain smokers

WHAT TO EXPECT AS A participant

16 weeks of Data Collection

Air-cleaning appliances and portable air cleaners will be installed in your home for about 4-5 months. The air-cleaning appliance attaches to your central heating system.

Small Footprint

Instruments to measure air quality and home operation will be inside the home continuously during the experimental period. Each instrument is smaller than a sandwich carton.

Feedback Along the Way

Participants will fill out surveys describing their attitudes and experiences.

Real-Time Air Quality Notifications

During part of the measurement period, participants will be notified about poor air quality outdoors. They can choose to respond to this notification by operating the technology or air cleaner. At other times, the system itself will decide when to operate the technology. We will have a technician in the community to assist with any problems. This technician will also visit each home to change configurations about every two weeks

WHY INVOLVE your community?

Participant incentives will be paid at each technician visit in the form of gift cards.

At the end of the measurement period, you may choose to keep the air-cleaning appliance and the portable air cleaner. If you choose not to keep the air-cleaning appliance, your heating system will be restored to its original state.

After a few months, you and your community will receive a report on how well different configurations of devices and notifications worked to keep air clean inside homes. We hope to use this information to help other people with homes like yours.


Our goal is to identify a group of homes as soon as possible. If you think you have a group of constituents interested in participating, please reach out.