The P2A Team

John Flynn
Graduate Researcher
Colorado State University
John is a graduate researcher working on a doctoral degree. He leads the pyrolysis investigation, designs experiments, and manages the lab. John came to Colorado State from the University of Dayton with a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and experience in optics.

Mason Martinez
Undergraduate Researcher
Colorado State University
Mason is earning a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering. He assists with experiments and lab organization.

Tami Bond
Walter Scott, Jr. Presidential Chair in Energy, Environment and Health
Colorado State University
Tami’s interest is in how human decisions affect local and global environments, and how those environments in turn affect their residents. She spent 10 years measuring combustion emissions around the world before determining that pyrolysis was important. Her early career focused on combustion, air quality, and climate effects of air pollution before migrating toward the systemic and human aspects of emissions.

University of Edinburgh
Fire Science Laboratory – Fire Safety Engineering
We do collaborative experiments with Rory Hadden‘s group at the Fire Science Laboratory. David Morriset in particular played a big role in the design of the 2023 experiments.
Alumni and Associates

Mariam Fawaz
Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mariam did the original experiments and modeling showing that realistically-shaped wood could be simulated with the principles determined for one-dimensional pyrolysis. Her dissertation was entitled “Emission of Organic Aerosols from Wood Combustion: Bridging the Gap between Aerosol Science and Wood Pyrolysis.” Mariam is now a data scientist at Early Warning.