Research Advisors
These faculty members either have open projects, or are willing to co-advise with someone who does.
Ander Wilson
Associate Professor, Statistics
Angela Bosco-Lauth
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Ashley Anderson
Associate Professor, Journalism and Media Communications
Christian L’Orange
Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Christian’s work focuses at the intersection of energy usage and the resulting climate and human health implications of that usage. Christian leads the technology development team in SAPPHIRES.
David Rojas-Rueda
Assistant Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health – web page
Delphine Farmer
Associate Professor, Chemistry – web page
Delphine’s group studies how human activity perturbs atmospheric chemistry, and thus air quality, forest ecology and climate change. Her group uses mass spectrometry measurements in both laboratory and field settings to study complex chemistry in both the gas and aerosol phases, across environments ranging from forests to cities to the inside of a house.
Ellison Carter
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ellison is an environmental engineering researcher with interests in indoor and outdoor air quality, air pollution exposure, and the impacts of energy policy and air pollution interventions on health and climate. Ellison is part of SAPPHIRES and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Emily Fischer
Associate Professor, Atmospheric Science
Erika Miller
Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering
Jeff Collett
Professor, Atmospheric Science – web page
Jennifer Peel
Professor, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences; Section Head, Epidemiology
Jesse Burkhardt
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics – web page
John Volckens
Professor, Mechanical Engineering – web page
John’s research connects engineering, exposure science, and public health through instrument development, exposure data science, and panel studies with human volunteers. Recent work has focused on citizen-science applications to promote environmental and public health and energy transitions in the developing world.
Jude Bayham
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics – web page
Jude is an economist with research interests at the intersection of public policy, human health, and the natural environment. His research focuses on wildfire management in the wildland urban interface, the impact of human behavior on infectious disease management, and impacts of air quality on human health.
Maggie Clark
Associate Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences – web page
Marilee Long
Professor and Department Head, Journalism and Media Communications
Marilee’s research interests are in health and science communication. She is interested in the use of messages to encourage attitudinal and behavioral change. She has studied the use of citizen science approaches to increase awareness, knowledge, and protective behaviors related to poor air quality caused by wildfire smoke and ozone. She also studies the effects of media portrayals of science and scientists on people’s attitudes toward science. Marilee is on the Human-Technical team in SAPPHIRES.
Megan Willis
Assistant Professor, Chemistry – web page
Megan is an environmental analytical chemist who uses field observations and laboratory studies to understand aerosol formation and chemistry, and resulting impacts on climate and air quality.
Pat Keys
Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Science – web page
Paul Francisco
Senior Research Engineer, Energy Institute – web page
Paul’s research focus is the interplay between energy efficiency and indoor air quality, considering the house as a system, primarily in low-income housing. He has chaired ASHRAE’s Residential Ventilation Standard (62.2), Environmental Health, and Residential Buildings Committees. He directs a weatherization training center, where he teaches Healthy Homes principles to practitioners. Paul works on technology and in-home implementation in SAPPHIRES.
Ryan Scott
Associate Professor, Political Science
Shantanu Jathar
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering – web page
Sheryl Magzamen
Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Sonia Kreidenweis
University Distinguished Professor, Atmospheric Science
Tami Bond
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Walter Scott, Jr. Presidential Chair in Energy, Environment and Health – web page
Tami’s interest is in how human decisions affect local and global environments, how those environments in turn affect their residents, and how systems can be nudged to achieve lasting change. She has done work in combustion, air quality, climate effects of air pollution, and systems of technology. She leads the SAPPHIRES and R.E.S.P.E.C.T. projects that explore residential indoor air quality and built-environment scenarios, respectively.