Sustainable Performance of Healthy & Efficient Residential Environments

SPHERE is dedicated to quality in the indoor home environment, where humans spend most of their time. 

SPHERE was a collaboration of faculty at Colorado State University, the University of Illinois, and Washington University – St. Louis. Its activities have transitioned into other projects – see Updates.

Who are We?

SPHERE is a coalition of scientists, engineers, practitioners, and community groups organized for collaborative, integrative work on the chemical, physical, and biological health stressors in the home environment.

Why is the home so important?

People spend 90% of their lives indoors and 70% at home. Housing and health are both human rights that are fundamental to the quality of life. 

What Have We Done?

What are We Doing Now?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we produced information about keeping people safe at home with Isolation and Sheltered Zones.

English | Español

We also made a couple of videos on ventilation and Keep-It principles for a healthy home, found on the English page.

Most of our work is done in medium-sized, collaborative projects. You can find these on the Updates page.